
Funny Story

On Thursdays I go to Cornucopia, WI. which is about a 40 mile drive one way to clean a gentleman's apartment, so I always get gas on my way. I never dress up to do this apartment because I won't ever take him any where or see anyone but him, I wear sweat pants and a big t-shirt. Well October 30th it was a windy day, I stopped to get my gas, as I was washing my windows the wind caught my t-shirt and blew it over my head. So I got the squeegee in my hand, water going every where and I'm fighting with my t-shirt. Of course the station wasn't empty oh no, about 10 people oh and don't forget the cameras! Now this station is owned by the company hubby works for so I hurried to call him because knowing my luck they would have a picture of me with the t-shirt over my head in the monthly newsletter and the headline would be: Have you seen these boobs? He laughed so hard when I told him what happened. Hopefully there won't be any pictures in the newsletter. Did I mention my father in law also works for this same company?
Last night Jerry, Jessyca, Steph (Jessyca's friend) and I went a picked up more chickens. I spent the last of my birthday money and Jerry chipped in some too. I had 21 chickens (4 roosters) and wasn't getting any eggs, so I go out and get 8 more chickens to feed in hopes of getting some eggs lol After I set all this up I go into the coop to get hay for the kennel and low and behold there is an egg from one of the babies I got in June. I knew they were close to laying but didn't realize how soon. Now if everything goes right I should be getting 15 eggs a day with in a few weeks. I didn't want that many eggs a day but cant get rid of my new ones (already attached to them) The new ones are a little rough looking but I think with some tlc they will be beautiful.
Its freakin cold here today, late evening and early this am we had snow showers. Hardly any of it stuck but it's still snow.


Carjazi - aka Diane said...

Bwahahahaha! Love the newsletter line. I'm sorry I really don't mean to laugh.

Good luck with the new chicks. fresh eggs sound wonderful. We go through tons of them here on the weekends. (the old man usually eats 3 and then 2 for the dogs)

Please keep the snow. I know, I keep asking for something you can't deliver.

Have a great Monday!

Anonymous said...

LOL LOL I want to see the photos!!! Scrap them chickens... I want to see!!! Have a great day honey... {{HUGS}}

Lynn said...

Awww, too funny but I feel bad for you! I hope no one noticed!
Jay would love to have fresh eggs but chickens are a lot of work...so good for you! Hope your week starts off well.

Kristine said...

!!! Sorry to laugh at you but more folks have seen my boobs because of wind, I can't even tell ya...LOL