
462.8 miles

That's how far Jessyca and I went to drop off Matt. We left at 8:45 am and didn't get home until 5 pm. Let me tell you that's one long day! Matt had an even longer day as he didn't get to Seattle until almost 11 pm (central time). I'm sure he was glad to be back too. My couch is now recovering from 10 days of Matt's butt on it lol
When we went to pick up Matt, Jerry and I had fun at the airport as I said before but what I didn't tell you is what happened. We are from a small town and can be labeled as hicks and I believe we completely filled the roll that day. We were bored so we went to the bigger side of the airport using the train, the ride over was filled with little funnys from Jerry who raised alot of eye brows from the "higher classed" people. The ride back was another story. It was packed with people and when we got on there was a beep so dingy me thought "oh I don't fit" and stepped off. The minute I stepped off the doors slammed shut and away the train went. I'm standing all alone there ready to cry when my phone rings, its Jerry with supportive words "Smooth move exlax!" Well I proceeded to tell him off and not to wait for me on the other side. 8 minutes later another train arrives and after a quick question "is this the right train?" to two very nice ladies I'm on my way back. Once again I hear the beep, I wasn't even close to the doors and a little light goes on in my head it beeps when the doors are going to close! I get there and feeling pretty proud of myself when I realize Jerry's not there, now I realize I told him not to wait but come on lol All the way across the parking ramp I'm mumbling "what a jerk, I'm in a big city all by myself and he leaves me to get mugged or worse, wait til I find him, haha I got the keys to the van so he can't completely leave me, Matt will come find me and on and on. Now if anyone seen me and even thought about doing anything I thought of, tell me this who is going to do something to a ticked off woman talking to herself? By the way that was a total after thought lol Everything worked out fine and we all had a laugh afterwards. I didn't leave the drop off point when we brought Matt back, Jerry, Matt and I were worried about me driving in the rush hour so it was just drop and run out of the cities. I think Matt was relieved that I didn't have time to cry when he left lol
Yesterday was back to work for me but I only work til Friday then it's 4 days off. I cant wait to get many things done and hope to spend some time scrap booking. I hope everyone has a great day.


Catlady said...

Awww hugs. It can be a bit scary. I am from a small town too. In fact not far from you. :) I Don't like driving in cities. Before didn't bother me as a college kid but now it does so I stay away let someone else drive. That is good you made it back to your car in one piece. Hugs :)

Angie said...

Thats is to funny, not to many people will bother an lady talking to herself, lol Glad it all worked out good! Have a great day

DancingPrincessDesigns said...

Sounds like a GREAT story for a scrapbook page!!!!

Thanks for the laugh!

Traci Leigh said...

What an adventure..lol..sounds like somthing I woudl do.glad it all worked out.
Have a great night!

Anonymous said...

LOL LOL too funny! I've done that before... I have been neglecting stopping by and seeing all my blog friends... I'm sorry.. :( Hope you have a great week!! {{HUGS}}