

After signing tons of paper work and hubby's debit card being shut off the charges have stopped coming in. The grand total is just over $1000. Some of the money was put back today. Our account still isn't in the positive side. I got paid today so we have some money to live on. I also have an account at this bank, when I figured out that was debit card info that these people got I had my card cancel and cut up. There is no way they can get into my account. As far as my brother in law and nephew go, I'm not sure whats happening there, we haven't heard.
My Uncle passed away this am. I'm hoping that's the end of the bad news, they say it comes in 3s and that should be 3 (all in one week)


Anonymous said...

Wow....you sure have had it this week! How did they get into the debit card? I know that at gas stations, I won't pay outside at the pump, because they have scanners and come along right after you use yours, and steal the number! My prayers are heading your way.... keep me posted, ok? {{HUGS}}

Anonymous said...

Hiya honey.... I didn't know that there was mail on my space! LOL LOL doesn't it notify you? Hope your day went ok, and today goes even better!! {{HUGS}}